NCSCLS Committees
The NCSCLS Board consists of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, four Directors, the New Professionals Chair, and the Student Forum chair. Also elected are Nominations & Elections Committee and Finance Commitee members.
Many others serve in appointed positions.
District Chairs work with the membership chair to recruit and retain members in their districts. They also plan continuing education for their districts. Our goal is to have at least one CE event in each district every year.
Scientific Assembly (SA) Chairs facilitate discussion among society members with the same area of interest (Hematology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Immunology/ Immunohematology, or Education). They also assist conference planners by identifying topics of interest to their SA members and helping to identify speakers for those topics.
Committees of NCSCLS exist to address specific needs. Some have ongoing work (i.e., Membership committee, Publications), while others function at discreet times during the year (i.e., Awards, Scholarships) Standing committees include:
- Awards
- Career Recruitment
- Membership
- Nominations & Elections
- Government Affairs/ PAC
- Publications
- P.A.C.E.
- Scholarships
- Council for Allied Health in NC liaison